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Covered Eye Irritation, With Simple Makeup

Here is a simple tips for makeup when you're having problems with your eyes.

1. If you sleep less, and of course you will be sleepy eyes look glazed, if you want your eyes look more refreshed use mascara to make it look fresh appearance and disguise the glazed eyes.

2. If you are in a state of puffy eyes, use concleaner with the lighter color than skin color, with bright color concleaner can disguise a swollen eyelid.

3. When you experience eye irritation and tired, would be less nice to look at because your eyes will look red, eyeliner can make your eyes look stern and a red mask on the eyes. Use a black eyeliner right at the base of the lash line.

4. To make your eyes look fresh, you can use a brow pencil with a dark brown color and give the highlights with pearl-white eyeshadow under the eyebrow.

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